The archaeological museum hosts the Divo Augusto exhibition, thanks to the collaboration between the University of Córdoba and the museum. This exhibition will be open to the public until January 31, 2020.
It is a seated marble figure, divided into several fragments. The subsequent one belongs to the collection of the Archaeological Museum of Córdoba, whose ownership belongs to the State, and the front and legs are from the Romero de Torres Collection, whose ownership corresponds to the Junta de Andalucía. After an investigation that concluded years ago, it has been possible to know that these fragments belonged to the same large-format Roman sculpture, which could represent Emperor Augustus, assimilated to a God after the divinization granted by the Roman Senate. The whole set offers a new and more complete picture of what the piece was, in origin, and that complements the historical information.
The character depicted is half-naked, with a mantle that covers his back, part of his left shoulder and legs, imitating classic models, fundamentally to God Zeus, indicating that the protagonist achieved consecration as a divus.
The arrangement of the torso suggests that he would carry a scepter in his left hand, which causes the image to lose absolute verticality.
The size of the piece is colossal, 2.04 meters, to pass from its fragmentation and is made of marble from the Greek quarries of Paros, one of the most sought after in classical antiquity for the realization of sculptures.
This sample of the statuary of the Roman Córdoba gives an idea of the grandeur of the Roman Córdoba, where artists and marbles from all over the Empire converged, taking advantage of the patronage of one of the cities with the greatest wealth in the Roman world for the oil trade, the Cereal and silver.